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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Kent Davis BS: 9-11 Anniversary (49) RE: BS: 9-11 Anniversary 11 Sep 10


You state that it was "decided that we should be at war with an entire religion."

We are at war with an entire religion? I missed that somehow.

When did we attack the Muslims of Kosovo? When did the war with Tunisia begin? When did we bomb the Muslims of Indonesia? What was the first campaign of our war against Bangladesh? How many troops do we have in Morocco? When did we turn against the Bosniaks? Are we at war with the Sufi? Are we at war with the Alawites? Are we at war with Hamid Karzai? With Nouri al-Maliki? Was it us who attacked the Kurds with poison gas? Was the Anbar Awakening an enemy faction? (I had thought we were allies.) Did we annex Kuwait? Is Keith Ellison in a P.O.W. camp, or is he serving in the U.S. Congress? Are Muhammad Ali and Shaquille O'Neal captives? Did we carpet-bomb Medina? Did we destroy the Kaaba?

We are at war with an entire religion?

Even President Bush, whom you despise, could distinguish between the Muslim religion and the terrorists and dictators whom he opposed. Yet on this date, of all dates, when a few men murdered thousands because they believed that Islam and America were at war, you claim that, on this point, they were right.   

Have you no shame?

Art was replying to a multiple identity troll whose message got deleted.

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