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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,josep BS: The God Delusion 2010 (2256* d) RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010 14 Sep 10

//Well, J, you have already refused the normal working definition of unconsciousness,//

It really doesn't matter if total unconsciousness as I define it is real or hypothetical since it's being used as a metaphor for the obliteration of consciousness by death. If one isn't real, then we have no reason to suppose the other is.

//which is having no readily recoverable memories of Tn. But you are now saying that the state depends on what can be recovered, or not.//

You appear to saying the same thing twice. If you can recover any memory of an event, then you were not totally unconscious at that event even if if it took years to receover it. I've made that clear fro the beginning and it hasn't changed. It doesn't even matter how accurate the memory is. It can even be a false memory because it still means you are conscious.

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