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Kent Davis Songs to the John Brown/Battle Hymn tune (71* d) ADD: John Brown's Ford 14 Sep 10

My Fourth Grade teacher taught us this during the '69-'70 school year at Edisto School, in Cordova, Orangeburg County, South Carolina. There were hand motions, but I no longer remember them.   


John Brown's Ford had a puncture in its tire.
John Brown's Ford had a puncture in its tire.
John Brown's Ford had a puncture in its tire.
And he patched it up with chewing gum.

For a long time, I was puzzled as to how John Brown's Ford could have a puncture in his TIE. Eventually, I realized that the teacher was using the non-rhotic Low Country pronunciation for tire.

Anybody else know this? If so, do you remember the hand motions?


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