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Kent Davis Origins: The Devil's NINE Questions (48) RE: Origins: The Devil's NINE Questions 16 Sep 10

Thanks, Guest of 15 Sept 10,

I think it depends on the version. The version I knew when I first asked this question five years ago (from Patrick Gainer's FOLK SONGS OF THE WEST VIRGINIA HILLS) does not have a ninth question.

The Texas Gladden/Elizabeth LaPrelle version from Southwest Virginia does have "Who is the weaver's bonny?" as the ninth question:

Now you must answer my questions nine
Sing ninety-nine and ninety,
Or you aren't God's you are one of mine
And who is the weaver's bonny.

What is whiter than milk?
Sing ninety-nine and ninety;
And what is softer than silk?
And who is the weaver's bonny."

Snow is whiter than milk,
Sing ninety-nine and ninety;
And down is softer than silk,
And I am the weaver's bonny."

What is louder than a horn?
Sing ninety-nine and ninety;
And what is sharper than a thorn?
And who is the weaver's bonny?

Thunder's louder than a horn,
Sing ninety-nine and ninety ;
And death is sharper than a thorn,
And I am the weaver's bonny.

What is higher than a tree?
Sing ninety-nine and ninety;
And what is deeper than the sea?
And who is the weaver's bonny?

Heaven is higher than a tree,
Sing ninety-nine and ninety;
And hell is deeper than the sea,
And I am the weaver's bonny.

What's more innocent than a lamb?
Sing ninety-nine and ninety;
What is meaner than woman kind?
And who is the weaver's bonny.

A babe's more innocent than a lamb,
Sing ninety-nine and ninety;
And the devil is meaner than woman kind,
And I am the weaver's bonny."

You have answered my questions nine,
Sing ninety-nine and ninety;
So you are God's, you are none of mine,
And you are the weaver's bonny."


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