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3refs BS: Lee Marvin Captain Kangaroo, Mr Rogers (39) RE: BS: Lee Marvin Captain Kangaroo, Mr Rogers 19 Sep 10

"Keeshan was born in Lynbrook, New York. In 1945, during World War II, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps Reserve, but was still in the United States when Japan surrendered. He attended Fordham University on the GI Bill. An urban legend claims that actor Lee Marvin said on The Tonight Show that he had fought alongside Keeshan at the Battle of Iwo Jima in February-March, 1945. However, Marvin not only never said this, but had not served on Iwo Jima (having been hospitalized from June 1944 until October 1945, from wounds received in the Battle of Saipan),[1] and Keeshan himself never saw combat, having enlisted too late to serve overseas".[2]

Too bad! Nice story!

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