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GUEST,josep BS: The God Delusion 2010 (2256* d) RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010 22 Sep 10

///That is what happens in most mammals,///

No, this does not happen in mammals. You've obviously never had a pet. Mammals have distinct personalities. The type of automaton body with a a utilitarian brain directly interfacing with no personality in between is typical of insects. Even then, it doesn't always hold true. A bee colony, for example, has a personality, a mind. And, no, they are not all the same. Some colonies are procrastinators, some are highly motivated, some are lazy preferring to steal honey from other hives. No two are alike.

When they cloned a cat not long ago, the two were totally different in build and disposition. All they shared were the same markings. Clone two insects or two spiders and they are indistinguishable. In fact, female walking sticks usually give birth spontaneously without fertilization. The offspring are almost literal clones. Only like 1 male per 1000 females--just enough to introduce some variation in the species to keep it viable. Bees are clones pretty much. Thousands of identical sisters with one mother.

Mammals can't reproduce like this. Incest has no real effect on insects. Incest has devastating effects on animals.

The more complex a living creature is, the more it seems that it MUST have a personality--a true consciousness. This couldn't be an evolutionary mistake. We evolve FOR consciousness.

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