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GUEST,josep BS: The God Delusion 2010 (2256* d) RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010 25 Sep 10

///The problem with studying consciousness is that no one has come up with anything that approaches a definition of it, or even a description of any consciousness but their own. You can't even prove to another person that you are conscious.///

That's solipsism. People have been brainwashed into believing it has been disproven but that is not true. Solipsism is found in virtually every epistemological argument that I know of. Beyond that, you are correct. No one can prove what consciousness is or where in the body it actually resides. However, that doesn't mean it is unknowable. We can test its effects and various properties or traits.

///BEsides, although QM may have demonstrated some really wild things about very very small-scale physics--entanglement and FTL information transfer foremost among them--it has yet to prove--in a rigorous scientific sense--anything about consciousness.///

Whether people like it or not, the Copenhagen Interpretation is the most widely accepted in physics concerning QM. The other theories are even worse--multiple universes, local realism, consistent histories, hidden variables, etc.

But I was responding to the person who said, "Quantum mechanics has proven nothing." He is flat out wrong. It is the cornerstone of all our sciences--period.

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