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Kent Davis Origin: Farewell, My Bluebell? / Blue Bell (26) RE: Origin: Farewell, My Bluebell / Blue Bell 27 Sep 10

From "Folksongs & Ballads, Volume 2, Phyllis Marks", Augusta Heritage Recordings, 1991 (It's near the bottom of the page.)


"Belle was the hired girl's name.
The fire she tried to light.
She threw in a can of coal oil
And a handful of dynamite.

There was a loud explosion
O, it was sad to tell.
It blew the stove through the ceiling
And it also blew Belle.

Oh, where it blew Belle
Far, far away,
The house went up in the morning,
And came down next day.

Wherever it blew Belle,
We never learned.
I guess she went to Heaven.
She 'uz too green to burn."



Those of you who have been to the West Virginia State Folk Festival in Glenville, WV, may have met Phyllis Marks or one of her children. She was one of the featured performers at the Friday night concert this year. Her son, Jesse Marks, Jr., helps with the hymn-singing and her daughter, Jane Marks Law, (who died this spring) helped in previous years. Phyllis Marks was born in 1927 at Sand Fork in Gilmer County, West Virginia.


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