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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,josep BS: The God Delusion 2010 (2256* d) RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010 29 Sep 10

///Josep, you appear to think you are quoting my post, but you aren't. Kindly take your childish smugness elsewhere.///

Smokey, if you were worth the trouble, I might actually get pissed off at your bullshit. I was quoting snail so how in the hell did your obviously overblown ego translate that into me quoting you at 8:22??? Did you write what I quoted??? No? Was it addressed to you?? No? Did I stick your moniker in there anywhere? No?? Do I find you so interesting that every post I make is addressed to you?? No.

Stay out of it. It's between me and snail. Why would you even think to insert yourself in something that doesn't concern you? Are you even in your right mind? Go away.

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