English is the language of technology, when training in computer and mechanical engineering I found some words to have been re defined and just had to cope. This in effect gives you two languages but using the exact same words. My wife used to say (when I had friends round) that we had lapsed into techno babble. English is a dynamic language and changes over time. New words are introduced, some survive to be added to dictionaries, some fall by the wayside and, like some fashion clothing are never heard of again. My generation introduced new words and some of these are now mainstream some were forgotten. Language evolves and the useful bits survive and become common useage. The other bits will eventually die off or be replaced by some new trend. I agree with with Emma, and in my opinion polluting the language with terms like 'Ho' is not desirable. As for the use of more anglo saxon terms, they are part of English. Who knows the 'Oxford' might define the word 'innit' as a colloquialism used mainly by people of a lower order of intelligence. That remains to be seen. These words certainly do give some of our stand up comics good material with which to ridicule the 'culcha' that they come from. WORD!