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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,josep Why busking rules (22) RE: Why busking rules 02 Oct 10

I busk a lot but there is no way i can make more than my day job. If I could, I'd be a full-time busker. The other drawback is foul weather and winter. I can only busk through the warm season--maybe half the year. But otherwise it's nice to just do what you want for as long as you want. I do open mics too but I prefer to busk. No license or fee required and I doubt there will ever be one around here. Busking is too entrenched now. Fees are bullshit. I'd probably pay more than I'd ever make back. I don't make much doing it but, you know, it's an extra stout or a half-tank of gas I wouldn't have otherwise but mainly I just like playing for someone other than myself.

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