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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Ebbie, housesitting BS: Change a light bulb: Simple?? (29) RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple?? 06 Oct 10

Oh my word. I think there is some kind of natural law at work that when one bad thing happens it triggers other things (Does that law apply in the case of good or pleasant things?). When it happens to me I'm in that awful state between laughter and tears.

I suppose the main cause of the chain is that we are not paying sufficient attention, not 'staying in the moment'.

Although- Mr. Happy, am I missing something? When that has happened to me- the glass globe breaking or detatching from the metal housing- I take a needle-nose pliers, press the metal slightly, grab it and unscrew the housing. Or was there something else going on?

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