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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,josep BS: The God Delusion 2010 (2256* d) RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010 07 Oct 10

///Why should I have to tell you, jojo?///

That's the smart answer but somehow I don't think you're going to stop there.

///I have a biology degree from Imperial College. I have a postgrad certificate in education. I taught science in secondary education for 25 years. I was a chief examiner in 'A' Level biology for the University of London. Fer Christ's sake, I'm telling you more than I feel I need to tell my wife. Honestly, jojo, I don't even want to ask you what you do. By their fruits shall ye know them. All I'm getting from you is two unripe plums (undropped?) in the knicker department and a handful of sour grapes. Don't ask questions you might not like the answers to. I'm guessing you're young. Grow up. Ta ta! ///

I don't know why you told me this either except that I figured you have such a big ego that wouldn't be able to stop yourself. Sorry, I shouldn't have asked. Do not use your real name online, do not tell people what you do, do not tell people where you went to school, or what town you live in or any of that. You really should have just told me to fuck off because it is none of my business what you do or where you do it. For me to bait the hook and trick you is one thing but for you to willingly take the bait knowing full well what you were doing is a perfect example of...never mind. I shouldn't have done it.

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