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GUEST,josep BS: True Test of an Atheist (834* d) RE: BS: True Test of an Atheist 10 Oct 10

///We live in a world in which many children are taught to be sexist, mysogynistic, racist, dishonest, homophobic and other such lovely things. They are being taught all that by parents who are teaching "whatever they see fit." Grand. I spent 25 years teaching in inner city schools trying (apart from teaching science) to contest those positions. It's a bloody good job that I and thousands of other right-minded people didn't, and don't, "butt out". You clearly have no idea what you're talking about, have you? Are you about seventeen?///

First of all, I was talking about religious upbringing and you set up a straw man to prove your point thereby failing to prove your point. If a kid is raised with a certain religious belief, you, as a teacher, canNOT tell that child this religious belief is wrong. You have no right. If you do, you are overstepping your bounds and should be fired.

As for sexist, mysogynist, racist, homophobic views taught to children, if they cause disruption in the classroom, you as the teacher need to get them expelled or otherwise banished from your classroom. It is not your job to reprogram these kids. And since you label yourself in your typical arrogant fashion as "right-minded" (i.e. I'm always right) you can rest assured you've accomplished nothing other than to make things worse. You need to stop waving your credentials around like some kind of badge of perfection--nobody here knows you from Adam--and start listening to what people here are trying to tell you.

I also notice that your cavalier, dismissive attitude towards me a few posts ago has vanished and you now are compelled to question my age and knowledge-level in virtually every post and I suspect that derives from the fact that the more wrong-minded I show you to be, the less funny you find me. That's because the more you overestimate yourself and underestimate everyone else, professor, the harder you fall when those poeple continually knock you on your ass.

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