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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,josep BS: True Test of an Atheist (834* d) RE: BS: True Test of an Atheist 17 Oct 10

I am very suspicious whenever somebody sends me an email with titles as "Read What George Carlin Said About Liberals" or "This is one pissed off housewife in New Jersey!" These are written by conservative hacks and shills and somehow get passed around from one person to the next. When they come to me, they get deleted. Even if I ever found myself agreeing with the content, I damned well it wasn't by George Carlin or George Washington or George Clooney or George of the Jungle. I doubt George Carlin ever railed againsst illegal immigration and ended it with, "We have to take our country back!" That is usually a tip-off that you're reading a conservative rant.

The "pissed off housewife in New Jersey" was funny because it was a super conservative rant that basically stated "I hate all Muslims. I don't give a shit how bad we are treating them. I don't care if George Bush lied to get us into Iraq, it was the right thing to do so shove your whining liberal democrat bleeding heart tree hugging kumbabya singing anti-American complaints up your ass!" So I went to several political forums with a posted reply to this "blog." Lo and behold, the writer of the blog responded to me. But he was mad because it was taken from his website, which he sent me the link to. I kept referring to the writer as "she" which really torqued him off but I said that it's being passed around as being written by a woman. Several other people also stated that they had received the same email. So they pass around conservative rants and disguise them as "this is the venting of the ordinary John Q. Public" and do this without the permission of the actual author. This guy knew nothing about his blog being passed around under false pretexts.

Someone else sent me anti-Obama cartoons he claimed were taken from Australian newspapers demonstrating that even the Australians know about what a sham and an impostor we have in the White House and the email ends with "THANK YOU, AUSTRALIA!" All I could do was shake my head and roll my eyes. The cartoons had "Times-Picayune" printed on them--a Louisiana newspaper. Yeah, thanks, Australia.

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