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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,josep BS: True Test of an Atheist (834* d) RE: BS: True Test of an Atheist 18 Oct 10

When my father lay dying for several months of last year, he never prayed nor asked for prayer. It never occurred to me to offer any. The hospice did send a clergyman around to pray and we didn't object because he seemed like a nice fella who wanted to comfort us. Because I wasn't raised religious, I felt no urge to tell him to get lost. I just figured, "Well, do your thang, dadz, can't hurt, I guess." He sang a death song over my father and that was actually kind of nice. I liked it. At the funeral there were no clergy. No clergy at the burial either--just family.

No clergy came to visit the grieving widow afterwards since my mom doesn't know any and didn't need any coming around. The dying was a lot harder on us than the death itself.

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