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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
acegardener RE. Too Many Strings (4) RE. TOO MANY STRINGS 20 Oct 10

I was reading a thread the other day concerning bazouki and guitars. I have tried to find it, honest. Now I have decided to get to grips with my cheapie zook and get a tune out of it. I am useless with the standard tuning but with open D tuning I find it all comes naturally.

I know if I perform in public I will be slated by the purists, but it does ring out beautifully and playing it bottleneck it sounds really bluesy.

Seasick Steve can get away with two strings on a guitar so I shall be hitting the clubs soon. I use a pick and I am a melody player, don't do chords a lot if I can help it. What are the disavantages? Nearly all the sessions I join in with with the melodeon are D/G and my singing voice is happy with the key of D. Tried G but I needed tighter pants.

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