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shipcmo Sailors' Songs or Chanties- Songbook Index (100* d) RE: Sailors' Songs or Chanties- Songbook Index 21 Oct 10

Shanties and Sailor Songs / Shantys und Seemannslieder

15 Mann auf des toten Manns Kiste
15 men on a dead man's chest Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
23rd of February, The
A-Cruising We Will Go
A captain bold from Halifax / The Unfortunate Miss Bailey
A dollar a day is a stevedore's pay / A Long Time Ago
A hundred years is a very long time
A is the anchor that holds a bold ship / The Sailor's Alphabet
A! la feuille s'envole, s'envole / Les Filles de la Rochelle
A landlady of France loved an officer, 'tis said / A Drop of Brandy
A life on the ocean wave, a-home on the rolling deep!
A long, long time, and a long time ago / A Long Time Ago LD
A moi forban que m'importe la gloire / Le Forban
A Nantes, à Nantes, vient d'arriver / Brassons Bien Partout Carré
A La Rochelle est arrive / Roulez, Jeunes Gens, Roulez!
A sailor from Dover, from Dover he came / Proud Sally
A schooner was built on the Baltic / Albertina or Skonnert Albertina
A wet sheet and a flowing sea
A Yankee ship comes down the river / Blow, Bullies, Blow LD
Abel Brown, the Sailor
Abdul Abulbul Amir
Ach, was ist doch ein Schifferleben / Das Schifferleben
Across the Western Ocean CAP
Adieu, cher camarade, adieu, faut nous quitter
Adieu my fair young maidens / The Holy Ground
Adieu, Recouvrance
Adieu sweet lovely Nancy Ten Thousand times adieu
Adjö, farväl min hulda, kära flicka / Sjömansvisa
Admiral Benbow
Al twintig jaar vaar ik op de zoute plas / De zoute plas
Alabama John Cherokee
All For Me Grog
All things are quite silent, each mortal at rest
All things we have ready and nothing we want / Lustily, Lustily
Alle die mit uns auf Kaperfahrt gehen
Alle segeln nach dem norden / Walfanglied
Allez les marins, encor' un p'tit verre
Allons à Messine
Aloha ohe
Als ich an einem Sommertag
Als ich stand auf hohem Berge / Die Seemannsbraut
Als nach Japon weit entlegen / Xaver
Am Indiastrande
Amphitrite, The
An der Nordseeküste
Anchors Aweigh
And he kissed her on the face / Baltimore Shanty
And it's three score and ten / Three Score and Ten
Andrew Rose, the British sailor
Another of Seafarers, describing Evil Fortune
Antje, mein blondes Kind
Après sept années de guerre / Guerre, Guerre, Vent Devant
Around Cape Horn we've got to go
Arranmore Boat Song, The
As I rov'd out one ev'ning fair / The Dark-Eyed Sailor
As I strolled out one evening / The Fire Ship
As I walked down the Broadway / New York Girls
As I was a-walkin' upon a fine day / Little Mohee or Indian Lass
As I was walkin' down London Street / Paddy West
As I was a-walking down Wapping / Ratcliffe Highway
As I went a walking one evening so rare / Fiddler's Green
As I went out one evening / One of the Roamin' Kind
As ick jung an Johren wär / Südsee-Lied
As it fell on a holy day / John Dory
As-tu connu le père Winslow
At the dawn of the morning
Auf dem Atlantik, auf dem weiten Meer / Lili Marleen zur See
Auf den Wellen
Auf der Reeperbahn
Auf einem Seemannsgrab
Auf, grüner Jung, reck deine Glieder
Auf Matrosen, die Anker gelichtet
Away and to the westward / Hills of Isle au Haut
Away, haul away, O, haul away together / Haul Away, Joe LD
Away, Rio!

Balena, The
Ballad of Captain Kidd, The
Baltimore Shanty
Banks of Brandywine, The
Banks of Newfoundland, The
Banks of Sacramento, The CAP
Banks of Sweet Loch Ray, The
Banks of the Nile
Bark Gay Head, The
Barnacle Bill
Barrett's Privateers
Bay of Biscay, Oh!, The
Behold upon the swelling seas / A-Cruising We Will Go
Bell Bottom Trousers
Ben Backstay was our boatswain
Bigler, The
Black Ball Line, The
Black Susie
Blaue Nacht, oh blaue Nacht am Hafen
Blow, boys, blow
Blow, Bullies, Blow
Blow the Wind Westerly
Blow, Ye Winds
Bold Dighton
Bold Princess Royal, The
Bold Riley
Boney was a warrior
Bonnie Ship the Diamond, The
Boston Harbor
Botany Bay
Brassons Bien Partout Carré
Brave marin revient de guerre
British Man O' War
Brother Noah, Brother Noah
Bully in the Alley
Buvons un coup, buvons en deux / Le Trente-et-un du mois d'août
Bye-bye, my Roseanna

Can't You Dance the Polka?
Cape Cod girls they have no combs
C'est dans la cale qu'on met les rats / Le Port de Tacoma
C'est en passant sur l'pont d'Morlaix / Le Pont de Morlaix
C'est Jean-François de Nantes / Jean-François de Nantes
Ce sont les filles de Lorient, joli / Les filles de Lorient
Ce sont les gars de Senneville / Les gars de Senneville
Chanson À Virer
Chantons pour passer le temps
Cheerily Man
Chivalrous Shark, The
Clear the Track
Coal Black Rose
Codfish Shanty
Come all my jolly seamen, likewise you landsmen too / The Cumberland and the Merrimac
Come all ye jolly sailors brave / The Amphitrite
Come all ye seamen bold, and draw near / Admiral Benbow
Come all ye young fellow that follow the sea / The Black Ball Line
Come all ye young men of learning / Botany Bay
Come all you bold fishermen / Song of the Fishes
Come all you bold heroes that plough the rough main / Bold Dighton
Come all you dry land sailors and listen to me song / The Good Ship Calibar
Come all you true-born Shanty boys / Young Monroe at Gerry's Rock
Come all you young Americans / The Bark Gay Head
Come all you warlike seamen / Warlike Seamen
Come cheer up my lads, it's to glory we steer / Heart of Oak
Come, messmates, pass the bottle 'round / Farewell To Grogg
Common Sailors
Congo River
Constitution and the Guerrière, The
Cumberland and the Merrimac, The
Curaçao, 'k heb jou zo menigmaal bekeken

Daar was laatst een meisje loos
Daeth diwrnod i ffarwelio / Rownd yr Horn
Damals, vor unendlich langer Zeit / An der Nordseeküste
Dans la côte à la nuit tombée / Mon p'tit Garçon
Dans le port il est arrivé
Dans mon sac de matelot / l'Harmonica
Dark-Eyed Sailor, The
Das England Lied
Das ist was für Fietje
Das kann doch einen Seemann icht erschüttern
Das Schiff im Hafen
Das Schifflein
Das Schifferleben
Dat Lögenleed
De Beste en maar braafste matroos aan boord / Kleine Theodoor
De blaue Flagge weiht
De fülwern Flott
De grote Buer, de Herr vun't Land
De Hamborger Veermaster
De Hoffnung weer hunnert Dag unnerwegs
De lustige Kock
De Noorsche Vullrigger
De oole Schipper un sin Söhn
De Runner von Hamborg
De schipper en de Jonkman
De see geiht hoch, de Wind de blast! / De Runner von Hamborg
De Vrouw van Schipper Ké
De zoute plas
Dead Horse, The
Deep Blue Sea
Den stolte Skute seiler
Der alte Seebär Fietje / Das ist was für Fietje
Der erfrorene Matrose
Der mächtigste König im Luftrevier / U-Boot Lied (Song)
Der Schiffer auf dem blanken Rhein
Der Störtebecker ist unser Herr
Der Tag war grau, der Tag war schwer
Der Whisky ist des Seemanns Trost / Whisky
Deutsche Flotte durch die Meere / Deutschlands Flotte
Deutsches Flaggenlied
Deutschlands Flotte
Des Kaisers Admiral
Die Bank von Sacramento
Die Gitarre und das Meer
Die hohen Masten und der schlanke Bug / Gorch Fock Lied
Die Islandfischer
Die Kneipe am Moor
Die Reise nach Jütland (2nd version)
Die Seemannsbraut
Dis is de day we make our pay-day / Gimme de Banjo
Dogger Bank, The
Don't mind the rain or the rolling sea / The Grey Funnel Line
Dor weer eenmal een ohlen Kasten
Dreadnought, The
Drop of Brandy-O, A

Ebenezer, The
Eddystone Light, The
Edmund Fitzgerald, The
Ei oh, faat em an, so
Ein kleiner Junge steht stundenlang am Hafen / Ewige Sehnsucht
Ein Schärenmädchen bin ich ja
Ein Schiff im Hafen am Bollwerk lag / Das Schiff im Hafen
Ein Schifflein sah ich fahren
Ein Schifflein ziehet leise / Das Schifflein
Ein Wind weht von Süd und zieht mich hinaus auf See / La Paloma
Eine Seefahrt, die ist lustig
Einmal noch nach Bombay
Einst stieg ein Mädel wohl in ein Schiff
Ellen Vannen Tragedy
En quittant Brest et Recouvrance / Adieu, Recouvrance
En sjöman älskar havets vaag
En toen was er dat kind
Encor'et hop et vire / Chanson À Virer
Erie Canal, The
Es fuhr ein Matrose wohl über das Meer
Es geht in den dünen ein ruhloser Sand
Es hat der Herr auf Erden
Es kommt ein Schiff, geladen
Es lag ein Schiff fern an dem Indiastrande / Am Indiastrande
Es löscht das Meer die Sonne aus
Es murmeln die Wellen, sanft säuselt der Wind / Auf den Wellen
Es nahet im Brausen auf hohem Meer / Germania zur See
Es rufen uns die freien Wogen
Es weht der Wind mit Stärke zehn
Es wohnt ein Müller an jenem Teich
Essiquibo River is the King of rivers all
Eternal Father, Strong to Save
Ewige Sehnsucht

Faithful Sailor Boy, The
Falado, o Falado
Farewell and adieu to you / Spanish Ladies
Farewell, my dearest Nancy / Banks of the Nile
Farewell To Grogg
Farewell to Tarwathie, adieu Mormond Hill
Farewell to you, my own true love / The Leaving of Liverpool
Female Smuggler, The
Feuer in der Küche / Füer down below!
Fiddler's Green
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
Fire Down Below
Fire Maringo
Fire Ship, The
Flash Frigate, The
Flying Cloud, The
Flying P-Line
For once I joined a Liverpool ship / Black Susie
Frei ist das Meer und die Eisberge fliehn / Wickingerlied
From Boston harbor we set sail / Boston Harbor
From Liverpool to 'Frisco a-rovin' I went / The Liverpool Judies
From the Halls of Montezuma / Marine Hymn
Füer down below!
Full many a sailor points with pride

Gammal purrvisa
General Taylor gained the day
Germania zur See
Gimme de Banjo
Girl I Left Behind Me, The
Go To Sea No More
Golden Vanity, The
Goleu Enlli
Good night, ladies!
Good Ship Calibar, The
Goodbye, Fare You Well
Goodbye my feleni, o le a ou lea / Samoa Song
Gorch Fock Lied
Gott mit uns, und wir mit Gott
Greenland Whale Fisheries
Grey Funnel Line, The
Guerre, Guerre, Vent Devant
Gwynt o'r de a'r glaw yn fan / Goleu Enlli

Haal'em maar mee
Hamburg, du schöne Stadt
Handsome Cabin Boy, The
Hanging Johnny LD
Hardi, les gars, vire au guindeau
Haul Away, Joe LD
Haul on the bo'lin', the fore and maintop bo'lin' / Haul on the Bowline
Have you heard of a ship called the good / Reuben James
Have you heard the news, my Johnny / One More Day
He Kapitein we nemen nog een borrel
Heart of Oak
Heave away me bully boys / Round the Bay of Mexico
Hebbt ji den noorschen Vullrigger sehn? / De Noorsche Vullrigger
Hebbt ji von de sülwern Flott woll all hört / De fülwern Flott
Heia hebei, hebei, heia / Lied der Elb-Schiffstrecker
Heidewitzka, Herr Kapitän
Heimweh nach Sankt Pauli
Hem till Justina, hem till de mina / Sjömansfaang
Henry Martin
Here, a sheer hulk, lies poor Tom Bowline / Tom Bowline
Here's adieu sweet lovely Nancy
Heurt mol to all', Kinnerslüd / So'n ganz lütt beten Backbord
Heut' lief ein Schiff in den Hafen
Heute an Bord, morgen gehts fort
Heute nacht verläßt mein Schiff den Hafen / Aloha ohe
Heute wollen wir ein Liedchen singen
High Barbary, The
Highland Laddie
Hills of Isle au Haut
Hilo, Johnny Brown
HMS Hood, The
Hog-Eye Man, The
Holder Jüngling, willst du fliehen / Abschied
Holy Ground, The
Homeward Bound
Hör, Söhn, hier hest du min Kalljoot / De oole Schipper un sin Söhn
Hourra les filles à dix deniers
How can my poor heart be glad / On The Seas And Far Away
How pleasant a sailor's life passes / Why Should We Quarrel For Riches

I am a brisk and sprightly lad
I am as poor a distressed maid / The Banks of Sweet Loch Ray
I am a young sailor, my story is sad / Blackbird
I came down to Bowery one evening in July / Can't You Dance the Polka?
I come from Salem City
I dreamed my love came in my sleep / Lowlands
I heard, I heard, the old man say / John Kanaka
I neber see de like since I been born / Johnny Come Down to Hilo
I Popped Out
I shipped on board of th' Ebenezer / The Ebenezer
I sing of a frigate, a frigate of fame / The Flash Frigate
I used to be a sailor, I sailed upon the sea / I Popped Out
I was broke and out of a job / Paddy Get Back
Im Wald bin i gsessn, und is Herz war mir schwer
Ich ging einmal die Straße lang / Die Bank von Sacramento
Ich hab' ein Schiff gesehen / St. Niklas war ein Seemann
Ich heff mol een Hamborger Veermaster sehn / De Hamborger Veermaster
Ich will Euch die Story berichten / Rum aus Jamaika
Ich will nicht länger traurig sein / Sehnsucht
Ick gung eenstmol von Hamborg ut
If you want to join a merchant ship / Lime Juice Ship
Ik keem vun de Reis'
Ik kwam lest over een berg gegaan
Ik moest van vader naar de zee / Haal'em maar mee
Il était deux amants / Allons à Messine
Il était un petit navire / Le petit navire
Im englischen Kanale, da segelte 'ne Brigg / Seemannsweise
I'm the man before the mast / Common Sailors
In Amerstdam there dwells a maid / Maid of Amsterdam
In Callao there lives a gal whose name is Serafina / Serafina
In der Heimat an der Waterkant / Nimm uns mit Kapitän
In eighteen-hundred and sixty-one / Roll, Alabama, Roll
In fourteen hundred and ninety-two / Christofo Columbo
In Hamborg geiht dat lustig her / Dat Lögenleed
In Hamburg, da bin ich gewesen
In Johnny's Kneipe bei Bier und Pfeife
In May of nineteen forty-one the war had just begun / Sink The Bismark
In Praise of Seafaring Men, in Hope of Good Fortune
In South Australia I was born / South Australia
Indian Lass
Irgendwo in fremden Land
It was down in yonder meadow / British Man O' War
It was early, early all in the Spring / My Boy Willie
It was Friday morn when we set sail / The Mermaid
It was in the year of forty-four / The Whale
It ofttimes has been told / The Constitution and the Guerrière
It's a damned tough life, full of toil and strife / Rolling Down to Old Maui
It's of a pretty fair maid / The Handsome Cabin Boy
It's our time to go now / Sailors Farewell Hymn
Ivan Skavinsky Skavar

Ja, ja, ja
Jack the Guinea Pig
Jackie Brown
Jean-François de Nantes
Jimmy Braun, das war ein Seemann / Die Gitarre und das Meer
John Cherokee was an Indian man / Alabama John Cherokee
John Dory
Johnny Boker SD
Johnny Come Down to Hilo
John Kanaka
Juchhei lustig, seggt he, ick bün Kock, seggt he / De lustige Kock

Kaiser und Admiral heimwärts und überall
Kameraden auf See
Kameraden, wann seh'n wir uns wieder / Die Kneipe am Moor
Käpt'n Kidd
Kari waits for me
Klaus Störtebecker ist unser Herr
Kleine Theodoor

L'ame de nos marins / L'âme Des Marins
La belle se promène, au fond de son jardin / Sur les bords de la Loire
La Paloma
Le Capitaine de Saint-Malo
Le corsaire "Le Grand Coureur" / Le Grand Coureur
Le Forban
Le Grand Coureur
Le Harmonica
Le Marinier de Couëron
Le petit navire
Le Pont de Morlaix
Le Port de Tacoma
Le Trente-et-un du mois d'août
Leaving of Liverpool, The
Leise kommt die Nacht
Les Corsaires
Les Filles de la Rochelle
Les filles de Lorient
Les gars de Senneville
Les marins de notre ville
Let The Bulgine Run
Les Trois Caps
Lied der Elb-Schiffstrecker
Lift him up and carry him along / Fire Maringo
Lili Marleen zur See
Lime Juice Ship
Little Mohee
Liverpool Judies, The
Long Time Ago, A LD
Loss of the U.S. Sloop of War Hornet!!!
Lustig auf den blauen Wogen / Seemannsbegräbnis
Lustily, Lustily

Mädel, kannst du küßen? / Schön ist die Liebe im Hafen
Maggie May
Maid of Amsterdam
Marine Hymn
Matelot le vent est bon / Satanicles
Me father was the keeper of the Eddystone Light / The Eddystone Light
Mein Liebster ist der Hochbootsmann / Schwedisches Schifferlied
Melbourne girls, they have no combs / Codfish Shanty
Mermaid, The
Mien Naam weer Käpt'n Kidd / Käpt'n Kidd
Mon p'tit Garçon
My boat's by the tower / Pirate Song
My Bonny is over the ocean
My Boy Willie
My Johnny is a shoemaker
My name is Arthur Hollandin, as you may understand / The Flying Cloud
My name was William Kidd / The Ballad of Captain Kidd

Nancy Lee
New York Girls
Nimm uns mit Kapitän
Nobleman's Daughter, The
Norfolk Girls, The
Nous irons à Valparaiso
Now coil up your nonsense / Charge the Can Cheerily
Now Jack was a sailor who roamed on the town / Quare Bungle Rye
Now the Chesapeake so bold / The Shannon and the Chesapeake
Now you jolly sailor lads, come listen to my tale / Maggie May

O, a drop of Nelson's blood wouldn't do us any harm / Roll the Old Chariot Along
O across the west'ard I served my time / Roll the Cotton Down
O Aegir, Herr der Fluten / Sang an Aegir
O, as I walked down the Landing Stage / We're All Bound to Go
O! blow, my boys, I long to hear you! / Blow, boys, blow
O, Boston's a fine town, with ships in the bay / Home, Dearie, Home
O bury me not in the deep deep sea / The Ocean Burial
O, come, list' awhile, and you soon shall hear / The Female Smuggler
O, do, my Johnny Boker / Johnny Boker
O, fare you well, I wish you well! / Goodbye, Fare You Well
O fare you well, my own true love / Ten Thousand Miles
O! go fetch me down my riding cane / The Hog-Eye Man
O, I'm going to leave her / Shallow Brown
O, in eighteen hundred and forty-one / Paddy Works on the Railway CAP
O lenke durch die Welle, Fidelin! / O, pescator dell'onde
O, me Rosie, coal black rose / Coal Black Rose
O mit mein niggerum beggerum stinkum / Ja, ja, ja
O! my boat can swiftly float / The Queen of Connemara
O Nancy Dawson, Hio! / Cheerily Man
O, pescator dell'onde
O, poor old Reuben Ranzo / Reuben Ranzo LD
O, Sally Brown, of New York City / Sally Brown
O, Santa Anna fought for fame / The Plains of Mexico or Santa Anna
O Schipmann!
O, Shenandoah, I long to hear you / Shenandoah
O, Stormy's gone, that good old man / Stormalong
O! The smartest packet ye can find / Clear the Track
O, the times are hard and the wages low / Across the Western Ocean
O, the work was hard and the wages low / Time to Leave Her
O the year was 1778 / Barrett's Privateers
O there was a lofty ship and a lofty ship was she / The Golden Vanity
O, Tommy's gone, what shall I do / Tommy's Gone to Hilo
O was you ever on the Congo River / Congo River
O, we're going on board the Roseabella / The Roseabella
Oh, where am I goin' to sleep tonight / Abel Brown, the Sailor
O, whiskey is the life of man / Whiskey for My Johnny
Ob Sturm uns bedroht hoch vom Norden / Auf einem Seemannsgrab
Ocean Burial, The
Of all the wives as e'er you know / Nancy Lee
On the fourteenth of February we sailed from the land / The Bold Princess Royal
On the noble fleet of whalers out sailing from Dundee / The Balena
On The Seas And Far Away
On the Sunday morning, just at the hour of ten / The Bigler
One More Day
One morning very early / The Banks of Brandywine
One of the Roamin' Kind
Op wieringen daar woonde / De Vrouw van Schipper Ké
Our anchor's aweigh and our sails are all set / Bold Riley
Our topsails reef'd and filled away / The Norfolk Girls

Paddy Doyle
Paddy Get Back
Paddy West
Paddy Works on the Railway
Passant par Paris, vidant la bouteille
Pauvre Marinier
Pirate Song
Pipe all hands to man the windlass / Rolling Home
Plains of Mexico, The CAP
Pleasant And Delightful
Poor Joe, the marine, was at Portsmouth well known / Poor Joe the Marine
Proud Sally

Quand je suis parti de La Rochelle
Quare Bungle Rye
Queen of Connemara, The
Qui les trois caps a passé / Les Trois Caps
Quinze marins sur l'bahut du mort

Ratcliffe Highway
Reise, Reise
Rejs opp en man av den babordska vakten! / Gammal purrvisa
Reuben James
Reuben Ranzo
Rio Grande
Roll, Alabama, Roll
Roll the Cotton Down
Roll the Old Chariot Along
Roll the Woodpile Down
Rolling Down to Old Maui
Rolling Home
Rolling Home
Roseabella, The
Roulez, Jeunes Gens, Roulez!
Round the Bay of Mexico
Rownd yr Horn
Rum aus Jamaika

Saill! home, as straight as an arrow / White Wings
Sailing, Sailing
Sailing over the Dogger Bank / The Dogger Bank
Sailor Likes His Bottle, The
Sailor's Alphabet, The
Sailor's Farewell, The
Sailor's Farewell Hymn
Sailor's Prayer
Saint Nazaire
Sankt Niklas war ein Seemann
Sally Brown
Sally, she'm the gal that I love dearly / Hilo, Johnny Brown
Samoa Song
Sang an Aegir
Santa Anna
Santa Lucia
Schiffchen in die Weite willst du zieh'n
Schipper ik wil varen schipper ik wil mee / De schipper en de Jonkman
Schon glänzt das Mondenlicht am Himmelsbogen / Santa Lucia
Schön ist die Liebe im Hafen
Schon viele Male fuhr ich um die Erde rum / Heimweh nach Sankt Pauli
Schönster Jüngling willst Du ziehen
Schwedisches Schifferlied
Schwer mit den Schätzen des Orients beladen
Seemann, deine Heimat ist das Meer
Shallow Brown
Shannon and the Chesapeake, The
Shoals Of Herring, The
Silbern klingt und springt die Heuer / Auf der Reeperbahn
Sing and heave, and heave and sing / The Banks of Sacramento
Sing ho! for a brave an' a gallant ship / Ten Thousand Miles Away
Singing bell bottom trousers / Bell Bottom Trousers
Sink The Bismark
Sir Richard Grenville's Farewell
Sitt de See-lüd obens mol / Un denn segelt wi so langsam rund Kap Horn
Skonnert Albertina
Snaefell Tynwald, Ben-my-Chree / Ellen Vannen Tragedy
So‚ help me Bob, I'm bully in the alley / Bully in the Alley
So'n ganz lütt beten Backbord
Song of the Fishes
Sont des hommes de grand courage / Les Corsaires
South Australia
Spanish Ladies
Stand Navy down the field / Anchors Aweigh
Stand to your guns! my hearts of oak
Stately Southerner
Stolz weht die Flagge Schwarz-Weiß-Rot / Deutsches Flaggenlied
Stormy Weather Boys
Strike the Bell
Sur les bords de la Loire

Ten Thousand Miles
Ten Thousand Miles Away
The anchor is weighed, and the sails they are set / Away, Rio!
The boats are sailing around the bend / Bye-bye, my Roseanna
The breeze was fresh, the ship was in stays / The Token
The dames of France are fond and free / The Girl I Left Behind Me
The day that I left my home for the rolling sea / La Paloma
The Diamond is a ship me lads / The Bonnie Ship the Diamond
The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down / The Edmund Fitzgerald
The Mate was drunk, and he went below / The Sailor Likes His Bottle, Oh
The most chivalrous fish in the ocean / The Chivalrous Shark
The Pilot he looks out ahead / Whup Jamboree
The Pilot he looks out ahead / Whup Jamboree, American
The sea is England's glory!
The sons of the Prophet are brave men and bold / Abdul Abulbul Amir / Ivan Skavinsky Skavar
The topman and the afterguard were walking one day / Topman and the Afterguard
There is fire in the lower hold / Fire Down Below
There were three brothers in merry Scotland / Henry Martin
There were two lofty ships / The High Barbary
There's a flash packet, a flash packet of fame / The Dreadnought
They call me Hanging Johnny / Hanging Johnny LD
They say old man your horse will die / The Dead Horse LD
This dirty town has been my home / Sailor's Prayer
Three Score and Ten
Time to Leave Her
'Tis advertised in Boston / Blow, Ye Winds
'Tis of a Nobleman's daughter / The Nobleman's Daughter
'Tis of a stately Southerner who flew the Stripes and Stars / Stately Southerner
To my, Aye, and we'll furl / Paddy Doyle SD
To Pensacola town we'll bid adieu / Homeward Bound
Token, The
Tom Bowline
Tommy's Gone to Hilo
Topman and the Afterguard
Trois matelots du port de Brest
'Twas in eighteen hundred and fifty-three / Greenland Whale Fisheries
'Twas on a dark and stormy night / The Faithful Sailor Boy
'Twas on a Monday morning, all in the month of May / Lisbon
Twas pleasant and delightful one midsummer's morn / Pleasant And Delightful

U-Boat Lied (Song)
Und denn segelt wi so langsam rund Kap Horn
Und ob der Sturm auch manche nacht
Unfortunate Miss Bailey, The
Unsern Bootsman de sie Kruutsack
Up aloft amid the rigging / Rolling Home
Up jumps a crab with his crooked legs / Blow the Wind Westerly
Up on the poop deck and walking about / Strike the Bell

Viele Leut' vom Binnenlande kennen einen Hafen nicht / Hafenunterricht
Vinden drar, skeppet far
Voici mon navire qui nage / Pauvre Marinier
Vous soupirez les filles / Saint Nazaire
Vun Hamborg fohr so 'n ollen Kasten

War einst ein junger Bootsmann
Warlike Seamen
Was macht man mit 'nem betrunk'nen Seemann?
Was you ever in Quebec / Highland Laddie
Was you ever in Rio Grande? / Rio Grande
Way down south where the cocks do crow / Roll the Woodpile Down
We Be Three Poor Mariners
Well it's all for me grog, me jolly jolly grog / All For Me Grog
Wenn bei Sturm und Wetterlicht / Wo es Mädels gibt, Kameraden
We were forty miles from Albany / The Erie Canal
We're All Bound to Go
We're laying in Surrey Dock one day / Stormy Weather Boys
Wer entert als Cadett zur See / Des Kaisers Admiral
Wer geht mit, juchhe, über See?
Wer will mit uns nach Island gehn / Die Islandfischer
West Zuid-West van Ameland
Whale, The
What pen can well report the plight / Another of Seafarers, describing Evil Fortune
What Shall We Do With A Drunken Sailor?
When first I landed in Frisco Bay / Go To Sea No More
When HMS Hood went down in the deep / The HMS Hood
When I first landed in Liverpool / Jackie Brown
When I was a lad I served a term
When the Alabama's keel was laid / Alabama
When the anchor's weigh'd / Jack the Guinea Pig
Whiskey for My Johnny
Whisky LD
White Wings
Who seeks the way to win renown / Sir Richard Grenville's Farewell
Who'll make his mark the Captain cried / Pirates
Who's that knocking at my door? / Barnacle Bill
Whup Jamboree, English
Whup Jamboree, American
Why Should We Quarrel For Riches
Wi fohrt bi de Flying P-Line / Flying P-Line
Wie mit grimmgem Unverstand
Wie wil er mee naar Wieringen varen / Wieringen
Wiegende Wellen auf wogender See
Wildes, schäumendes, brausendes Meer / Wiegt mich ihr Wogen
Wir fahren übers weite Meer
Wir lagen vor Madagaskar
Wir lieben die Stürme, die brausende Wogen
Wir sind Kameraden auf See / Kameraden auf See
With our nets and gear we're faring / The Shoals Of Herring
With swelling sail, away, away! / The Arranmore Boat Song
Wo die Nordseewellen
Wo es Mädels gibt, Kameraden


Y avait un' fois un marinier / Le Marinier de Couëron
Y'heave ho! My lads, the wind blows free / Sailing, Sailing
Ye gentlemen of England who live home / The Bay of Biscay, Oh!
Ye mariners all, as ye pass by
Ye Parliament of England, You Lords and Commons
Ye seamen and ye landsmen all / Loss of the U.S. Sloop of War Hornet!!!
Yo no digo que mi barca se a
You bully boys of Liverpool / The Banks of Newfoundland
Young Monroe at Gerry's Rock

Zondagmorgen kregen we de loods aan boord
Zu Kiautschau um Mitternacht
Zum Geburtstage Sr. Hoheit, des Prinzen Heinrich von Preußen
Zum Meere zog der Zollernsproß

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