////"This universe was made for us--all conscious things." Hard to see how this squares with your alleged atheism//// Because there is no god. WE make this universe and we make it every instant. Creation wasn't something that happened billions of years ago or 6000 years ago or whatever, it is happening right now. And then it's annihilated in the same instant and replaced in the next instant by a new one that is almost identical to the one that existed the instant before and then it too is annihilated in the same instant it was created. What is doing the creating? Your consciousness. Your consciousness is the creator of the universe. It doesn't seem like it but it is. The Gnostics were quite creative about it: they called the Creator the demiurgos or builder. He creates the material universe but is blind and ignorant. He thinks he is all there is but ignorance is his chief characteristic. Many who fancy themselves Gnostics think like theists and assume the demiurgos was some actual being that created the universe billions of year ago. The demiurgos is you, your consciousness specifically, and it creates the universe out of ignorance and thinks it is top dog. And it creates this universe over and over and over again--every instant (an interval too short to be measured) and doesn't even realize it. Ever ask yourself why atoms don't decay? They should but they don't. I'm not referring to radioactive decay of a substance by alpha particles I'm talking about why atoms don't decay.