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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,josep BS: True Test of an Atheist (834* d) RE: BS: True Test of an Atheist 26 Oct 10

////Josep says, "There are atheists, at least in America, who openly regard atheism as a religion all their own. It's the emperor's new clothes."

These are not real atheists.

Bill O'Reilly? You actually believe anything is credible that is said on his show?

An atheist church is an oxymoron.////

Google "Atheist church" and see what comes up. It exists. Actually many of them exist throughout the US. Face it: some atheists are dumbshits. You're not helping things by denying that. "Those are not real atheists" indicates that you have set yourself up as getting to decide who is an atheist and who is not by asserting that real atheists are infallible and those that aren't can't be real atheists. It's an absurd, ludicrous position to take.

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