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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Kent Davis BS: NPR is NOT liberal (48) RE: BS: NPR is NOT liberal 07 Nov 10

Here's a little hint from a conservative on how liberals can avoid alienating moderates: Don't make the perfect the enemy of the good.

It is WONDERFUL that Wal-Mart employees have this benefit. It is not, of course, the greatest event since the creation of the world but, if you were a Wal-Mart employee, you would be glad. Aren't you glad for them?

If you want to send Wal-Mart employees to Michigan State and pay 25% of their tuition, go right ahead. No one is stopping you.

I guarantee that. if you do, Wal-Mart will not then complain because you are failed to pay 30% of their tuition to Harvard.

Don't make the perfect the enemy of the good.


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