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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,G.J.M. Tomassen The Fureys and Davey Arthur (25) RE: The Fureys and Davey Arthur 08 Nov 10

I'll be there        The Furey's and Davey Arthur        (Capo: 3)

(A4)I walk in silence
By her (F)tiny (G)feet
To take brim roses
Where I am (A4)finding leaves

(A4)And I think of her
By-life, (F)stand and weep
A (G)young heart
That I (Em)dare so (A4)deep

And in (F)winter I will be (C)there
When the (Dm)fields are cold and (A4)bare
And I'll stand there and share my life with you
And I'll (F)take away the (C)snow
So (Dm)young spring flowers can (A4)grow
And in summer sun and rain I'm there with you

(A4)I leave you now
But (F)I'll (G)return
To this peaceful place
Where no (A4)heart can burn
And when autumn leaves
They fall (F)all (G)around
I return, once (A4)again

And in (F)winter I will be (C)there
When the (Dm)fields are cold and (A4)bare
And I'll stand there and share my life with you
And I'll (F)take away the (C)snow
So (Dm)young spring flowers can (A4)grow
And in summer sun and rain I'm there with you

(A4)I leave you now
But (F)I'll (G)return
To this peaceful place
Where no (A4)heart can burn
And when autumn leaves
They fall (F)all (G)around
I return, once (A4)again

And I'll (F)take away the (C)snow
So (Dm)young spring flowers can (A4)grow
And in summer sun and rain I'm there with you

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