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GUEST,Adam Smith Moulettes - not folk say gatekeepers (185* d) RE: Moulettes – not folk say gatekeepers 15 Nov 10

To me, they sound like a competent student rag week "humourous" cabaret band. They're sort of folk - in the way that Timothy Claypole was sort of folk.

Some questions for their manager / apologist / publicist:

Do they want to be called folk? Are they actively seeking the word "folk" to be attached to their name somehow?

Surely, I would have thought, if they'd wanted to be considered a folk band, they'd be a folk band? Not a dressing-up am-dram student "ament-we-clever" band?

Are you also going onto specialist classical forums and complaining that the Moulettes aren't being featured in Classical Bollox Weekly even though they play 'cello?

This paragraph: They may not be as folk as Bellowhead, but they're certainly more folk than Mumford & Sons. They sing in resolutely English accents; there's nary an electric guitar to be heard; the violin and cello play some distinctly English folk, Celtic, Balkan, Appalachian lines; lyrical matters often have archaic settings and could be described as ballads or story-telling songs; while the melodies and harmonies often have a folky modality.

What a load of complete meaningless crap. Every single sentence means nothing whatsoever in regards to their "folkiness" and the sum total of the paragraph adds up to a steaming pile of cow diddle. Oh - diddle rhymes with fiddle - How Folky!

Really, why are you protesting so much? If you have to go to such lengths to point out how "folk" they are to people, surely that just goes to show how "not-folk" they are? Whatever the fuck that is. I mean - "There's nary an electric guitar to be heard" What a load of laughable tosh. Why don't you call yourself a brass band? After all, "There's nary an electric guitar to be heard"

Dull dull dull. Bog off.

Adam Smith

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