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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,John Bauman Multiple Personality Disorder (150* d) RE: Multiple Personality Disorder 23 Sep 00

This hits home. When I was wrestling with whether or not to participte in the folknazi thread I actually thought about doing it with a pseudonym but there is certain kind(s) of subject matter that demand the integrity of one's real name (or identifiable moniker) because words divorced from identintity are hypocricy. The net is custom built for this disconnect and we can rarely know if people who "talk a talk" are also walking the same. We can however maintain whatever honesty is possible (and prudent). Obviously on non-serious subject matter it's no-holds-barred.

It's hard for me to think of a non-anonymous post as a "flamer"--or if I do, it's harder to misunderstand and much easier to ignore :)!


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