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EnglishFolkfan Seasonal Quiz 2010 (60* d) RE: Seasonal Quiz 2010 27 Nov 10

Q 10 (5b) "The minstrels played their Christmas tune, Tonight beneath my cottage eaves...... continues:

"And who but listen'd? till was paid
Respect to every inmate's claim;   
The greeting given, the music played   
In honour of each household name,   
Duly pronounced with lusty call,   
And 'merry Christmas' wished to all!"

"every inmate - in honour of each household name" indicates this may be the traditional Wassail "Here We Come A-wassailing" aka "God bless the master of this house"

Here we come a-wassailing
Among the leaves so green,
Here we come a-wand'ring
So fair to be seen."

which has many variations, but includes the household members: Master, Mistress, Butler, Maid, Children etc

Greg, If this correct then I suggest when you're next in Market Drayton you enjoy a Pint from the new Joules Brewery in the Red Lion next door & raise the glass in a "cheers" to Effie. If the answer is wrong then I recommend a pint in commiseration :)

Am still animallexicographing to try and answer Q6 and halfway to Q1 (haven't frooty looked for hints yet)

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