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GUEST,Victoria Lyr Add: Ezekiel (swing down) (18) RE: Lyr Add: Ezekiel 01 Dec 10

Brother Ezekiel was in the Valley, it was on the Lord's day and then God told Ezekiel to prophesy saying here ye the word of the Lord. Praise God

He called Ezekiel the son of man to preach the gospel to the sinful man, but the children of Isreal would not hear and my God said the time is near; I going to buld me a city in my own way with a nation of people that will obey..

Well then God he came in the middle of the night and destroyed the city with all his might, he put Ezekiel in the vally prophsey saying "Hear ye the word of the Lord" the walk they talk them dry bones, they walk they talk them dry bones, they walk they talk them dry bones. The foot bone connects to the ankle bone, the ankle bone connects to the leg bone...etc.

This is the lead in that aired on the Johnny Carson show many years ago, this is the version that I grew up with as the lead in to Dry Bones.

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