What a coward! I wait until I become an anonymous guest before I give my 2010 version of one of the "Merry Muses" WAD YE DAE THAT. Guid wife,when your guidman"s fae hame Micht I but be sae bauld As come tae your bed chaumer When winter nichts are cauld? As come tae your bed chaulmer When nichts are cauld and wat And lie in your guidman"s stead Wad ye dae that? Young man, forsooth I wad be laith Tae turn doon sic an offer But tell me lad whit likes yer graith And is it aa in order? Guidwife, ye needna speir that gait It is baith lang and fat and made for your contentment Dame I"se warrent that! Young man an ye suld be sae kind When oor guidman"s fae hame As come tae my bed chaumer When I am laid my lain And lie in oor guidman"s stead But its I will tell ye what He f**** me five times ilka nicht Could you dae that?