At the sale mentioned in a previuos post nine clydesdales were sold. The top price paid was, for the sellers,a disappointingly low £900 As a comparison my Grandfather, in 1946, paid £100 for his last working clydesdale, at the same time he paid £32-10s. for an Ayrshire calving quey. An it"s weel dae ah min the trauchal o ca"in the kirn fur ma Grannie wi only the thocht o a guid waught o soor milk as arles tae keep me gaun. As far as food was concerned, we ootbye folk did not know there was such a thing as a war. Early on in the war I broke the spring in our wind up gramaphone and was thus unable to play my Fathers collection of records, this comprising mainly-- the gospel singers D.McNeill William McEwan Melodian players the Wyper Brothers, Tony Capaldi, Will Hanna and Jimmy Shand.