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Kent Davis BS: Young Earth Creationism (513* d) RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism 03 Jan 11


Viruses are not an example of life spontaneously arising from non-life. Whether viruses are life at all is a matter of debate. Yes, viruses are replicated in living cells. So are prions, and most would agree that prions are not life.

The cells in which viruses replicate are certainly alive. Viruses, some would argue, are an example of life arising from life. Others would argue that viruses are an example of non-life arising from life. Clearly they are not an example of life arising from non-life since, even if viruses are considered to have life, they derive that life from other life.

But I'm not here to debate that. If you and Louis Pasteur want to tangle, go for it. I've got my hands full trying to explain Young Earth Creationism.

Smokey, I am just trying to explain what YEC is. Saying why I beleive it is not really my purpose. However, I will answer your question, but I can't do it tonight. I've got to get up in less than 5 hours. Good night.


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