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Kent Davis BS: Young Earth Creationism (513* d) RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism 12 Jan 11

Here is something I've been pondering:

We are animals, conceived like other animals, born like other animals, suckled like other animals, we eat, we drink, we defecate, we urinate, we sleep, we grow, we die, we rot, like other animals. We are meat, trapped in time, doomed to die.   

But we deny it, insisting that we are more than meat, that we are not just animals, that we do not REALLY die. From ancient Egypt to ancient China, from medieval Japan to medieval Ireland, from Australia to Russia, and from South Africa to Bangladesh, as a species we agree on little, but most of us agree that death is not the end. Jains and Mormons, Sunnis and Methodists, Copts and Buddhists, Hindus and Hutterites, all make the claim that somehow we SURVIVE death. Odd. Imagine a wing-less crawling thing INSISTING that someday it would fly.   Such a creature could have evolved.

Another possibility exists.

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