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Kent Davis BS: Young Earth Creationism (513* d) RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism 13 Jan 11

Hi, Ebbie,

You can find a lot of support for that idea you had earlier today. The reason I've been specifying "Young Earth Creationist", instead of just saying "Creationist", is that there are lots of "Ancient Earth Creationists".

Your idea is sometimes called the "Day-Age Theory". A related approach, the "Gap Theory" says that God created the universe and God created humans, but that, between these acts of creation, there was a "gap" (or "gaps") of millions or billions of years which were not recorded in Genesis, but which left fossils and other evidences of the passage of time.

I am no authority on Roman Catholicism, but it is my understanding that the current Pope is an Ancient Earth Creationist.


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