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GUEST,Bridget Songs of the American Civil War (83* d) RE: Songs of the American Civil War 05 Feb 11

Hello everyone,

When I was young, my father borrowed a record from the library (and dubbed it)of Civil War music as performed by various folk musicians of the sixties. I have been searching for it for some time now, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me anything about it.
The only songs I can clearly remember being on it where "Roll Alabama", "Lilliburlero", and a version of "Pat Murphy of The Irish Brigade" sung by a woman.
My father claims that it was put out by National Geographic, but I have had no luck finding any info on it. This album was a huge part of my childhood, and I would love to add it to my Civil War music collection. If anyone has any info on it, I would love to hear it!

Thank you!

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