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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,JenEllen Music and competition? (26) RE: Music and competition? 30 Sep 00

Wow, what a handful....

I initially thought this topic might be confined to modern music, but it isn't really... maybe the differences lie in the individual person's definition of competition?

Musical styles don't seem to be invented, but an amalgam of styles that an individual learns and adapts to themselves. I've noticed some folks craft their musical style upon "I can do better that THAT"--hearing something and changing it to suit themselves, while others find that if it isn't played note for note, it isn't good enough.

For myself, I don't find it beneficial to belittle others personal tastes. While I don't actively seek out, say, hip-hop music, there are songs that I may hear and adapt to my voice or playing. It's surely not that the first person wasn't "good enough", but that I enjoy it more if it is changed in small ways. I certainly don't take offense if someone adapts something of mine to suit themselves. But, the "process of making music" is different for each person. Some have to have active listeners to be productive, while others would lock away and create on their own.

I certainly do believe that some folks would rather be silent than to make noise that others might not like. (thankfully there aren't many of those around HERE!*bg*)

People make music more often than you think. Granted, it isn't Carnegie Hall, but there are enough hummers, whistlers, and automobile virtuosos to make the world interesting.


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