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GUEST,Dale BS: The Mother of all BS threads (59141* d) RE: BS: The Mother of all BS threads 14 Feb 11

17? Well then, no way we had any relshions Sheryl. When I got the condams outta yer purse yer ID said you were 19. I am reely careful about these things on accounta my loyer told me I gotta never do that agin or I'll never get outta jail agin. Musta bin another Sheryl.

Shane... I am sorry for the misunderstadin. I hope we can still be frends. If ya get a chance ta get Down Home, bring Don and we'll go up ta Del's camp and fire up the new bogger. Ya gotta see this ride man. 36 inch mudders and 4 ton Warn's front and back with rased pullies sos ya can lift er straight up a pine. I prefer a silver birch of course but most a them are cut sept near water and that's where the wardens hang out lookin fer jackers.

Anyway, Daisy took me back so I gotta lay low fer a while. Bear season starts in April so it'll be at least then. Let me know.

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