Having referred to 'slightly adapted lyrics' I realised it might be a good idea to post them! I would like to use these in a production of a play about the Woodingdean Well, near Brighton. It Stands so proud, the wheel so still A ghost-like figure on the hill It seems so strange there is no sound Now there are no men underground. What will become of this old well Where men once dug their path through hell? Tired and weary their shift done Never having seen the sun. Will it become a sacred ground? Foreign tourists gazing round Asking if men once worked here Way beneath this pit up here. And did shovels weak and sharp Hit chalky rocks beneath the dark? Will they ere be used again? Of left for scrap just like the men. There'll always be a happy hour For those with money, jobs and power. They'll never realize the hurt They do to them they treat like dirt.