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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,oaktree Plans to scrap the May Day bank holiday (67* d) RE: Plans to scrap the May Day bank holiday 04 Mar 11

@ Johnny J, anyone who wants to have at the Tories is welcome to start a BS thread but I cheerfully have at Tories everyday elsewhere and I prefer to discuss music and events here, so when I asked for a music thread rather than a BS thread, I meant that I want to discuss the effects on folk culture, such as the threat to events popular with tourists, especially British tourists who might otherwise go abroad seeking better weather, such as:

Hastings Jack-in-the-Green festival:

Rochester Sweeps festival:

If (big if, I know) the problem is that the powers that be are ignorant of British folk history then my preferred option to educate as many people as possible until the message gets through to the politicians who're supposed to represent the British people. I encourage my fellow folkies to do the same.

As for a Burns day, you Scots already have a Burns night which, as we know, at that time of year in the frozen Northlands, lasts for at least 24 hours! St Andrew's Day also sounds chilly... or was he one of the Saints martyred by burning? You could start bonfire customs. Although Dave MacKenzie's suggestions of St Columba's Day and Bannockburn Day sound perfect to me. ;-P

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