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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
mouldy BS: Exercise & Declutter March 2011 - Roar! (198* d) RE: BS: Exercise & Declutter March 2011 - Roar! 24 Mar 11

Having taken another load of prunings to the tip in Wooler, I decided to visit the garden centre. There I found a bird bath which was just what I wanted: not too tall, square, and covered in celtic knotwork motifs. I have still to clear the corner I want it in, but as they said that was the last one they would be stocking, I bought it. Two women managed to lift it into the back of my station wagon, and I was convinced I would be able to move the pedestal myself, as I wouldn't be bound by health and safety rules.....wrong! I can hardly move it, and there is no way I can get it down onto my little barrow, even though it's a flat-bed tailgate.

Where's a man when you need one???!!!

Anyway, complete with bird bath pedestal, I took another last load of prunings to the tip at Berwick later on. So now I just have the old pile of prunings and leaves that are dumped in the back corner of the garden to shift. I might get that all sorted today or tomorrow. Re the concrete in my car, I think I will take a walk to the village store and hope I meet somebody I can drop hints to! Not holding out much hope. I think I will have to look out for my elusive next door neighbour Steve!


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