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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Susan Humoresque and Swannee River (22) RE: Humoresque and Swannee River 07 Apr 11

My favorite verse is

"We encourage constipation
While the train is in the station
Ooooh, Humoresque!"

Yes, that is a verse.

I can play Humoresque on violin.

I like Swanee River better than Humoresque.

"Way down upon the Swanee River
Far, far away.
That's where my heart is turning ever
That's where the old folks stay."

I love the I Love Lucy episode where Ricky and Fred sing a duet and Ricky sings Swanee River and Fred sings Humoresque. Then when lucy tries to sing it she always ends up singing the song to the tune Rickey's singing!! LAUGH OUT LOUD FUNNY!!!

If you've never seen I Love Lucy (and you probably have) check it out weekdays at 6:00 am on Hallmark Channel.

Can't....Stop....LAUGHING!! XD

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