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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
mouldy BS: Spring Declutter & Exercise, April 2011 (231* d) RE: BS: Spring Declutter & Exercise, April 2011 11 Apr 11

What a good idea to use forsythia prunings for peas! I have one I shall be getting rid of in the future, and it will be nice to make some use of it. However, as my garden is destined to be a builders' yard this summer, it won't happen just yet. Got some chard seeds in, but like everything so far this year, it's just round the edge (apart from the front (floral) flowerbed. We are a tourist village, and the parish council is trying to encourage people to make the place look attractive (everything is made of grey stone).

It's quite amusing watching all the passers-by checking the progress of the plants out!

I've chosen the cheaper builder (who should be able to start earlier than the other guy too) and so I am moving stuff around now, ready for the back of my house disappearing!


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