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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
mouldy BS: Spring Declutter & Exercise, April 2011 (231* d) RE: BS: Spring Declutter & Exercise, April 2011 13 Apr 11

Thanks for the advice about the tree. I wasn't going to plant it out until after the build, but I could heel it in somewhere. I haven't been in the garden today as I have been out most of the time.

However - I went into Berwick en route to taking more boxes and paper to the tip, and I decided to get some lunch in a place called Cafe Curio. It is run by an American lady chef from Florida, and is furnished with random odd old tables and chairs, and lots of curios. It also sells a small amount of antiques. Well, the goats cheese and walnut salad with raspberry dressing (which included locally grown blue potatoes in the salad) was superb...and I managed to get a little desk-style table for my landing book area. It's the size of a toddler's table, with a hinged lid, is limed oak, and has been fitted out for a pipe-smoker. Result!

(Just need to rest my shoulder a reast now, as that has flared up again. Seeing my masseuse tomorrow, anyway).


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