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Derby Ram Granddad Goes Dancing on May Day (13) RE: Granddad Goes Dancing on May Day 03 May 11

I'm all for people laughing at themselves, I've done it all my life, but to those who don't get that, this is just adding to the world wide misconception that Morris is nothing more than you have written and sung about here. Are you a supporter writing and singing in irony or do you really see these comments as the all that Morris is? Is might be a good idea for you to make it clear which?

Interesting to note that none of the pics actually display any of the negative allusions in the song which is the best thing about it but I'm not sure it's enough to justify the tiresome sentiment of the song. Is anyone going to write a song with the same enthusiasm that tells the positive truths and ridicules all the pillocks who have it wrong?

Now that might help eh?

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