John Runge was a dear friend of my parents'. My dad taught music theory and composition at the Interlochen Arts Academy in Interlochen, Michigan, where Runge taught science around 1961. In 1971, when traveling in Europe, we stayed with John and Emily in Rome. During that visit he offered to drive us by a few Roman ruins in the countryside. Having only a short time before a teaching obligation, he selected a route and calculated the time necessary and we jumped in (and in my case, on) the car. It was a small convertible - his preferred type - which meant that John and my father rode in the front, my Mom and sister rode in the back, and I sat ON the back while Mom and my sister held onto my legs. I remember one of the ruins was a viaduct, and John took a few extra moments to purchase some pork from an Italian who he noticed selling it on the side of the road. He had no trouble retaining his route and timings during the drive and kept tightly to his planned schedule. He was a person of incredible openness and imagination and I dearly wish I still had my father's copies of John's LPs.