Well Ernie came back after lunch with a gappy old brush, which he sent up and after much wiggling and jiggling, brought it down along with the escapee brush and a load more soot. Once more I have tide marks where it overshot the sheets! He spent a few hours cutting steel sheets to fit the random shapes of the opening (registration plate) and at the moment there is a foot or so wide gap in the middle for the flue pipe and its plate to go in. He said he would spend this morning in the shop tidying the stove up, and he's planning to be back about 10 on Monday to do the rest of the fitting. I went up the road, after Ernie went, to where my friend's son is having his wedding party this afternoon, and helped wash a load of folding wooden chairs in the marquee. (Followed by a shared Chinese takeaway). Everyone else has travelled at least an hour and a half to get there - it's about 13 miles away from me! Some of you may know the lad - it's Ian Stephenson, who came over with Bill and Sam a few years ago. He's marrying Emily Ball, who is also in 422. There will be much ceilidh fun this evening...the bar was up and running last night! This morning I will try and de-soot what is now my kitchen, then its a good clean up before the wedding party! Andrea