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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
mouldy BS: Exercise + Declutter = power-June 2011 (243* d) RE: BS: Exercise + Declutter = power-June 2011 12 Jun 11

The wedding went well, despite it raining all day and being very cold! It was a proper home made country style wedding of the "old school", and there was a fabulous atmosphere.

I managed to vac some of the soot out of the carpet, but I think it's going to need more than that! It will have to wait, though. There is too much stuff in there. Ernie will be coming to finish fitting the stove tomorrow morning, and I have 4 days to get all the stuff out of the bathroom and airing cupboard - and find somewhere to stash it! I also need to fill as many water containers as I can, as I don't know how things will be at first regarding a supply of water onto the yard. They may have to set up a temporary stand-pipe.

Oh well, I've a festival next weekend. If all goes to plan, I will return to a building site.


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