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mouldy BS: Exercise + Declutter = power-June 2011 (243* d) RE: BS: Exercise + Declutter = power-June 2011 22 Jun 11

I couldn't agree more, Michelle!

Susan, I really hope you get some form of relief before long. You must get so frustrated at times.

Yep, there will be a new water pipe being dug in today (not what was budgeted for, but a damn good idea. The archaeologist has to be here too, as they are digging a trench...not that it will be deep enough to find anything, but that's what his remit is, and you never know, something may turn up!

We had a dance out at a very quaint pub in a village called Etal last night, and then we all went off for a solstice dance to Duddo Stone Circle, which is a few miles north of there, and which required a hike of about a mile around wheat fields. We had a Springer Spaniel with us, and it was amazing to see him "springing" in the wheat. I have been meaning to visit the circle for a while. I think I may escape up there with a picnic if we ever get any warm enough weather!


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