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Kent Davis BS: what about Glen Beck? (132* d) RE: BS: what about Glen Beck? 02 Jul 11

Glenn Beck is strong supporter of Israel, using his considerable fame and fortune to encourage the Jewish state

As to him saying or not saying that the Jews killed Christ, I will eat my hat if anyone can find any evidence in his writings, or in his broadcasts, that he blames Jews EXCLUSIVELY for the crucixion.

He blames the Italians for the crucixion, and Herod, and the Sadduccess, and the Pharisees, and Pilate, and the high priest, and the Sanhedrin, and the military, and the mob, and the sinfulness of mankind, both Jew and Gentile.

The Jews did kill Christ. So did the Gentiles. That is what he says. That is also what all the available evidence says.


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