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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
mouldy Declutter & Exercise - Build on Success -July 2011 (275* d) RE: Declutter & Exercise - Build on Success -July 2011 03 Jul 11

My previous neighbour, a retired geriatric sister and one-time school nurse, told me that if you have nasal congestion, sinus trouble, or any other mucus type thing, you should avoid dairy anyway. I suppose this might be a problem with young kids as they need the intake. (I wonder if this is why you see so many small kids with constantly snotty noses?) She also told me to lay off the caffeine for anything arthritic. She's now in her mid 80s, and still driving.

So far I am enjoying the weekend. I haven't done the cleaning up I meant to do, but I may do some time! The only thing that's puzzling me at the moment is my cat's relationship with one of the local ones. He/she (but I suspect it's he) hasn't been showing up until recently, there has been no evidence of a fight, but they are either very good friends, or mine is terrified of it and submissive. It was in my house yesterday (it shot out of the open door when I walked into the room) and I think it was eating the kibble that I leave for dipping into during the day. Mine strolled out from under the table, where he had been eating a young mouse. I can't work it out! All I know is, mine is guarding his catflap, which he hasn't done for a while. I locked it last night.

Anyway, it was a short morris spot in glorious sunshine at an idyllic little hamlet a few miles over the hill from Belford yesterday afternoon, followed by the sort of outdoor party you see in the country living type of magazines - a stroll down a long, semi-woodland garden into a clearing with a pond and a summerhouse. Faded prayer flags used as bunting slung between the trees, a table laid with food and drink, musicians relaxing and playing...and the hilarious attempt at rapper dancing. 4 out of 5 of us had never even held a rapper sword before (although we'd seen it done lots of times). Much cake and some pavlova was eaten, I'm afraid!

Today I will probably go down to Gosforth (Newcastle racecourse) and visit a rock and gem fair. At the last one I went to,I got some quartz points that were drilled for beading, but which would work admirably when I get to make my applehead wizards. (Gives them something to hold). I will see if I can get some round ones this time (crystal balls). Locally, there's an open garden towards Berwick this afternoon. If I really push it, I might be able to do both!

Then, of course, it's on with the noise and mess tomorrow. however, all being well, the new foundations could be dug this week. I suppose all will depend on availability of the archaeologist, and the building inspector, who will have to approve them.


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