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GUEST,Graham Bradshaw Accordion live feedback (8) RE: Accordion live feedback 04 Jul 11

Hi guys,

Microvox pick-ups are renowned for feedback when pushed to loud levels. There are resonant frequencies which I think are around 250kHz and 2.5kHz, and the harmonics. As has already been said, notching them out is the answer. Parametrics are good for finding them, by sweeping the frequency until you find the offending one.

Once you know the frequencies, a graphic will work just as well.

In Peeping Tom, Ben uses a microvox on his melodeon. We set it up with a graphic on his monitor send, plus as belt and braces, we have a feedback destroyer on his channel. Never any feedback, and Peeping Tom can be a loud band!!

Oh, and please don't think I'm dissing microvox. I'm not. Alan Hughes, who makes them, is an old friend, and the sound of them is great. But, like ALL transducers and microphones (which is what they are), they have resonant frequencies which will cause feedback at high levels. Just needs to be dealt with!!


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