Unfortunately not, but the most exciting thing so far is what is probably the bottom of a late 18th century wine bottle - that is dating evidence. The latest it can be is early 19th century. Plus a small, but beautiful shard of English delft (a bit of a plate or saucer) which came out of the same area. It was also low down in the trench, which takes it earlier than some other bits and bobs we had. The drains are going to have to be tweaked about a bit so that the build misses the current inspection chamber. The architect had drawn it about 2-3 feet away! However, he did come round this afternoon, and having looked at the area by the back wall, says it would be better for the old wall to leave it open, and to build a run-off for rain water into the ground level. (It will also save buying lead.) He says the planners don't have to be told, as it isn't altering the structure of the building. Good-oh! Thanks for the offer of the beads, Kat, but I am using smooth ones (like crystal balls). Michelle, isn't it amazing how little ones seem to make up for lost time when they've been poorly? We now await the building inspector to okay the foundation trenches, and then the concrete base for the walls can go in - with rain forecast for the rest of the week! Andrea