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Kent Davis BS: what about Glen Beck? (132* d) RE: BS: what about Glen Beck? 06 Jul 11

Greg F.,

I apologize for not making it clear that, in the post-script to my post of 8:32 p.m. yesterday, I was writing to you, not writing about you.

I can see how you might have taken it the other way.

However, although I was writing to you (NOT about you), you did bring up THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION (July 4th, 10:10 a.m.) and you did say "I would not waste my time debating a Holocaust denier & Beck's idiocies place him in the same category" on July 4th, 2:45 p.m. If you were not implying that Beck hates Jews, what exactly were you implying?



Here is an etymlogy of the word "Italia" which indicates that both Thucycdides and Aristotle used the word "Italy". The source is the BBC.

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